The Lawyer (There’s Always A Price To Pay)

Just A Though Book Review

The Lawyer (There’s Always A Price To Pay)

the lawyerOverview

Have you ever wanted something so badly that you were willing to do anything for it?  You would lie, cheat and steal?  You would even entertain selling your soul to the highest bidder.  In Gerald C. Anderson, Sr’s, most thought-provoking short novel yet, The Lawyer, gives you a glimpse into the murk and the mire of life.


Paul Demonte was a pretender and a dreamer.  He was a pretender because every Sunday when he was younger, he and his family would go to church, and he would pretend to know God and Jesus.  His father would tell him the stories that he read in the Bible were stories filled with messages of hope for poor people.

Growing up Paul remembers praying to God for things that he wanted or needed.  It never happened. God never showed up and his wants or needs were never met.  This is when Paul decided he didn’t need anyone. He will have to do it on his own.  This is where his dreams all begin.

Paul wanted to be successful and make a lot of money. After college, he enrolled in law school.  He didn’t get into an Ivy League college for law school because his test scores weren’t good enough.  Paul had to settle for a mediocre law school instead.

Upon finishing law school and passing the bar, Paul felt as if he was on top of the world.  This was it!  This was his time to go and blaze his way to the top.  His dreams were finally about to come true.  Not depending on anyone especially that Jesus or God, or whoever it was, he was going to get it done by himself.  Law degree in hand will prosecute, or defend.

All the prestigious law firms rejected Paul.  He finally had to settle for the public defender’s office. Paul was ready and prepared to show the world what he knew and how he was going to do it.  It didn’t go as planned.  Paul’s colleagues would constantly ridicule him because he couldn’t win a case. Or they would bully him on the methods he was using to lay out his case.  Paul was tired and frustrated.  He would go to his favorite bar and drown his sorrows.


One evening he stumbled upon a woman that was so beautiful that he could not keep his eyes off of her. He had never seen anything like that in his life…he fell for her hook line and sinker.  She was offering things that he always wanted, he wanted to win!  How could he turn that down?  But, who was this mysterious woman with supernatural powers?

There are things in life that we know is wrong.  However, because we thirst after things, and we want things when we want them, we often end up going down the wrong path.  Paul is given a choice.  Will he take the path less traveled or will he continue to be ridiculed and bullied by his colleagues?


In Matthew 16:26 it says, “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”

What choice would you make?

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