Let This Mind Be In You That Was Christ Jesus

“What’s On Your Mind?”

Philippians 2:5 “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.”

Let This Mind Be In You That Was Christ JesusTo be the kind of Christian that God wants us to be, we must be willing to lose our mind! It’s virtually impossible to have the mind of Christ while having minds that are filled with other things. As followers of Christ, we must be willing to give up some things. We must be willing to give up our: attitudes, and our selfish actions so that Christ’s attitude and actions become ours.

There are 3 attitudes that we must develop if we are to have the mind of Christ:

  1. We must have an attitude of selflessness. Christ was just as much God as He was a man, and He was just as much man as He was God. Christ emptied Himself, not of His Deity, but of His divine privileges.
  2. We must have an attitude of submission. Christ yielded Himself to ridicule, mockery, beatings, arrest, and finally death. Christ gave up His royal throne in glory to submit to the most excruciating and dehumanizing form of human punishment! What about us?
  3. We must have an attitude of sacrifice. Christ sacrificed all to go to the cross. Christ humbled Himself. Humility will lead to obedience. Throughout Jesus’ ministry, He obeyed God. Jesus said that He came to do the will of His Father. Humility allowed Jesus to endure the punishment of the cross. The opposite of humility is pride. How many times does our pride get in the way of admitting we were wrong? Or how often does pride keep us from doing tasks that we feel are beneath us? Our lack of humility will keep us from obeying God.


If we are to grow and be healthy, then we must be transformed by renewing our minds. Our minds need to be renewed to reflect the mind of Christ! We are a product of what we fill ourselves with. Are you filling yourself up with the word of God, or are you filling yourself up with gossip? Are you filling yourself up with love, or are you filling yourself up with envy and strife? Are you filling yourself up with joy, or are you filling yourself up with hatred? You will never be transformed by the renewing of your mind unless you’re filling it with God! Remember in order to have the mind of Christ you must have an attitude of selflessness, submission, and sacrifice.

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