Good morning and happy Thursday. Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His face continually. In this passage 1 Chronicles 16:11, the Psalmist David encourages the people of God to seek, look to, pursue the Lord and His strength, His mighty power, and to also seek His face, and seek His presence continually, always, unceasingly.
The Lord is strong, He is mighty, He is omnipotent, He has all power. So no matter what you may encounter in your life remember all the wonderful things that the Lord has done, bring to mind His mighty deeds, His precious promises, not only those that are found in scripture, but reflect on all that He has done in your life, the miracles He has wrought in you, and every trial He’s brought you through.
Don’t just look to the Lord in times of trouble, distress, and hard times, and not that the Lord is hard to find, but seek, carefully search and pursue the Lord always, and at all times, because the Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures forever.
The Lord’s strength will strengthen you; therefore, seek the Lord for His mercy, seek His strength so that you will be able to do service, and seek His face continually and in doing so you will have joy unspeakable!
Have a good day and know that I love you so very much
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