NaTasha McKenzie: The Birth of a New Queen

NaTasha McKenzie: The Birth of a New Queen

Queens, New York birthed a talented, educated and wonderful woman. NaTasha McKenzie’s parents’ roots come from Jamaica, W.I. She moved to Brandon, Florida continued her education and steadily grew in her life to become the awesome singer, songwriter, actress, playwriter, director and movie producer she is today.

I first met NaTasha when we both were cast in the play, “Diaries of a Vanity Vixen”. I remember thinking, “She has a warm spirit.” She played the role of my mother in the play. NaTasha is very professional and a talented singer.

I wanted to bring out a little bit of what NaTasha is about, as well as provide her an opportunity to open up to our readers. I was able to catch up with NaTasha during the filming of her latest project, “The Assumption”. I was cast in this fantastic film as well.


Read the rest of this amazing interview by downloading the Winter 2021 issue of The Lyfe Magazine.