Beauty Found Thru Tragedy

by Amber Singletary

I am so excited to be bring you beauty tips again! This month brings awareness to a very important issue that many women secretly have unfortunately experienced. In the United States alone there are on average 89,000 rapes reported annually. In an effort to creat a heightened awareness to rape, we got a glam quad together did a complete makeover and sat down with a young lady and CEO of Broken Silence who is a survivor of rape. Here is the exclusive interview:

Q: Broken, first you have to tell us why you carry the nick-name ‘Broken’?

A: Broken of course comes from Broken Silence, it wasn’t a name I chose, people just started calling me Broken so it grew on me.

  1. When did your rape take place? Was it a stranger?

A: When I was raped I was 10 years old. I was in the 6th grade. And the person that raped me was not a stranger he was actually more like an uncle to me, one of the closest people to me at the time.

  1. What made you not tell someone?

A: Well, for me I was embarrassed. I felt like I shouldn’t say anything like it was something I should in a sense, sweep under the carpet and push it to the back of my mind. So to save myself from embarrassment and the fear of what would happen if I did speak I just kept silent.

  1. How did this tragedy make you felt about yourself as a young woman growing up?

A: Growing up I always felt lonely I was in a really dark place. I always kept my head covered I couldn’t trust people and most of all I hated myself. I thought I was ugly and just really wanted to kill myself. I never felt worthy of anything and I just accepted any kind of treatment from males.

  1. When did you break your silence? What finally gave you the strength to speak out?

A: I broke my silence on August 6, 2012 at the age of 19. When I came out and told my story it was a build-up of emotions. I got to the point where I couldn’t take it anymore, it started to control my life. I wasn’t happy it just started to wear me like a dark shadow so I literally just came out and said it.

  1. What is your mission now that you have broke your silence?

A: My mission is to now help others break their silence by speaking to youth and adults currently in Washington, DC and the Charlotte, NC area on what to do if they are in a volunerable situation and how to avoid rape from happening to them. I am actively working to open up a comfort home for victims to come where they can feel safe, have the opportunity to engage in various activities to boost self-esteem, as well as be able to talk to individuals who are also rape survivors.

  1. Broken I thank you for exposing yourself and continuing to tell your story. It was not just touching, but it has moved and encouraged so many people that so many sponsors jumped at the opportunity to support your make-over. So now that you are all dolled up how did this Glam-over make you feel? And what advice can you give to women who have been a rape victim?

A: Now that I have had this makeover it helped reassure me that I am beautiful and also made me confident!! To be all dolled up it made me feel like I was getting ready for to walk the red carpet (soft laughter). The advice I would give to someone, women or men, is if you notice anything that’s not right with a person get out of the situation IMMEDIATELY or if a rape does occur tell someone!!..Always have someone you can trust and can tell them EVERYTHING!! Don’t be afraid of what will happen after you tell just speak up and let the rest fall into place!.

Q: How can people follow you and your events?

A: Sure, I can be followed on Instagram at iambrokensilence.

If you are a rape victim and need assistance please reach out to the national rape crisis line: 1.800.656.HOPE

Special thanks to the Glam Squad:

De Lisa Carol Photography,

Bash & Boogie (Head piece),

Power In One,

Good Life University,

Hair Stylist: Tilly, Visions Salon, Washington DC

Clothing Stylist: Daria Dudley, Instagram @dariadudley

Makeup: Amber Singletary, Instagram @theartist_amber

Gerald Anderson

Published by
Gerald Anderson

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