Accepting the Assignment

I heard a sermon today from Rev Trish Smith at Ebenezer that pricked me.  The sermon came from 1 Peter 4:8-11 and it centered around love, serving others, using your gift(s) and speaking God’s word. She used as a sermon title “Understanding and Accepting the Assignment”.   As I listened, the Holy Spirit had me focus on accepting the assignment part of the sermon title.  I have been given directions/assignment to do something or an answer to a prayer has come that required something other than what I planned.  I hemmed and hawed about it; asked numerous questions; made numerous excuses or require further confirmation before moving forward.  We will not speak about the times I disobeyed and went my own way–that is for another time.

The Holy Spirit had me reflect on my time in the military where I accepted assignments without question, confirmation or clarification.  If the military said go, I went; if it said do this, I did (as long as it was not illegal or immoral) and oftentimes without question.  I have commented and even bragged on the ability to adapt and overcome a skill I learned from the military.  And yet, I am challenged to accept God’s assignment(s) for me.  I question the direction and guidance; I give excuses why I can’t or shouldn’t; I am fearful of the outcome or what people may think.  All I could do was ask for forgiveness.  Forgiveness for giving the military credit for the gifts He gave me; for being disobedient; for being fearful and for putting others before His Word.  He has never asked me to go it alone or not prepared the way or not equipped me to complete the assignment. 

Let me tell you …. that Holy Spirit has a way of bringing things to your remembrance and with a little conviction for added measure.  If you are having trouble accepting the assignment(s) from God, remember you have already taken assignments where you did not have all you thought you needed to be successful from bosses, teachers, parents, etc. and He was with you.  He will certainly be with you and equip you for His assignment. 

Exodus 4:10-11, paraphrased…Moses gives excuses why he cannot speak to the children of Israel/Pharoah; God sends Aaron with him

Deuteronomy 31:8, paraphrased…God goes before you and will not leave nor forsake you

Jeremiah 29:11-13 paraphrased…God’s plan is not to harm you but to prosper you

Ephesians 6:10-18 paraphrased…the full armor of God

Proverbs 18:16 paraphrased…your gifts will may a way for you

I invite you to accept the assignment, you are equipped; the way has been prepared and your gifts will make way/room for you. 

Blessings and Strength,

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Accepting the Assignment
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Avis Dillard-Bullock

Published by
Avis Dillard-Bullock

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