This month’s issue of The Lyfe Magazine features Bishop Larry D. Palmer, Sr. Bishop Palmer presides over Israel Total Life Ministries in Waldorf, Maryland and a retired Command Chief Master Sergeant of the United States Air Force.
Also included is:
- Beryl Brackett’s Just A Thought Book Review featuring “The Room” by Gerald C. Anderson, Sr.
- Terry Parker Roe’s “Celebrating The Risen Savior” Terry provides her insight on Resurrection Day;
- Fredrick Beaty “The Elephant in the Room” will have you challenging the things happening in America today;
- Do you want some insight on the assignment God has for you? Read Shawn-Ta Wilson’s “Conditioning for the Assignment”;
- A hot new “Hollywood Moment” by Tina Marie “Hollywood;”
- Special guest writer, Jade Seashell, provides her advice on “Dating With Kids”;
- Are you planning a trip for April? Get some great information from our travel writer, Shinika LaShea-Hayes;
- Jamaal Chatman’s latest article continues to provide information on the contract process;